Dennis McGee
Company Connoisseur
Thank you for being interested in ConnoiSur Culinary Products! I'm Dennis McGee, the brand's founder and producer of "Crafted" seasoning “Master Blend!” The Master Blend seasoning is an evolution of my experience with spice traders from global markets and their cultural influences.For more than 30 years, it’s been a personal recipe enjoyed by family, friends, and in my professional experience as a chef.Now available for your culinary experience and pleasure!
About The Brand
ConnoiSur Culinary Products is a passion project inspired by natural beauty and thirst for flavors to enhance your senses and nourish your appetite. The ConnoiSur logo image represents a wave breaking along a sweeping beach following a coastal highway with steep cliffs and panoramic views, AKA Highway 1, Big Sur, California.
The word connoisseur means "expert judge in matters of taste". Sur means "over, above, beyond". The amalgam of these words forming "ConnoiSur" reflects the passion & enthisiasm of the makers behind ConnoiSur Culinary Products.
The Packaging
The spice blends come in a glass jar rather than plastic. The intent is to refill and reuse the jar. The label is washable matte vinyl. We package refills in biodegradable bags. All shipping materials are recycled or compostable.
Please join us in our efforts to lighten our foot print on this earth.
Sincerest regards,